The next day,I wake up early...
I keep reading the script on the way to the place we gather before go to serdang.
Mewah Gang had reached the campsite! We seem like away from home together...
Discuss-ing with the Games Team Leader

Camp Leader- JunYao, Raymond and me, we looked serious rite??
LenG LenG is the assistant of serdang 30famine camp,leader of design group and also the leader of Chihuahua group xD
I like this picture very much...a very warm and harmonious screen
Im weak...I start to feel not well when the artist are reached
so Qin Wen replaced me and partner with Raymond to in charge of the part of artists' performance
Omg...She is to0 thin,can break her leg easily
Ke Qing
A pretty girl who is just 17 years old, I like her song--<不可爱>
Fuyoh! Lydia act cool ! YENG!At night, I slept with LenG LenG and Suet Yin on the stage. A special place, 1st time sleep on the stage. My sister had borrowed my sleeping bag, so I shared a sleeping bag with Leng Leng.
LenG LenG and me awake from dream suddenly because it is too cold. We used the sleeping bag to cover our body and sleep close together so we wont feel to0 cold.
I checked my hp and I saw BB's message. He miss me so much and he also remind me to take care of myself. Love you, muackss =)
The second day, we went to the Bukit Jalil stadium to countdown.
There was about 7000 people ++ at Bukit Jalil.
Picture Time !!
A pity boy (Ricky)who always give me and suet yin bully..haha
His group get low mark is because of us..wakakaka
LenG LenG, Wai Hou and me
We support 30 hours famine DIY camp !
All the volunteers
Ampang's Campers
Finally, I had endured the feeling of hungry for 30hours ! I did it !
Patience is bitter, but when you think about those children who live in the slum,
you will know that you are more lucky than them.
" Light Up their Life" =)
Thanks Qin Wen and Jun Yao ……^^