Today hang out with LenG LenG♥ and BB♥
We go to the education fair at PWTC
Going to LenG's house, im late... sorry, LenG
Hope I can faster learn to drive, then I wont late bcus of waiting people fetch
Yeah! I can meet with BB later ^^
This is the first time I go fair with BB, He is quite free this week..
But now he is still sleeping, call him later ya xD
Opps! I forgot to apply some sunblock! Grrr...
When I reach LenG's House,
WOW, She is very cute today!
LenG, why you didn't tell me you wear dress? I wear so casual leh~
LenG's topknot nice right? I like it,hehe...She is helping me apply some glue on my fake eyelash, Thanks honey, Muacksss~
We having our lunch together at McD,
Boys is ordering food, and girls? camwhore lohxx xD
LenG ask:" Y you hiding behind me? " haha~ =P
BB♥ and Me
After the fair,LenG and her bf go Ts ;BB and me go watch movie
BB want me to hold his hand when he is driving
I think I should call him pay attention when driving xP
Leng, finally you make a right decision, always support you!
Dont think you are bad ya~ sayang U xD