Today tuition change to 3.45pm until 7.00pm...walao
3 Hours and 15 minute..=.=
Tis because teacher wants to make up the missed english lesson..
I din't finish my tuition's homework..
Holiday is my change of decadence...haizzz
After one week, i forgot all the add-math formula tat teacher taught last week..T.T
Finally, english period...
I ate the chocolate tat LenG LenG gave me when the test is carrying out..
Im doubt...i din't eat my lunch before came to tuition...
Then, 'BIG' teacher (teacher's nickname) gave back our paper...
Is a process report...^^
Teacher said there's been a noticeable improvement in my english essay...(yes!huhu~)
" Good Point!" teacher said again...
what can I say?? Im so happY now...
Sucess belongs to those who work harD...
this make perfect sense!
I gotta done my Karangan now...
Tis because teacher wants to make up the missed english lesson..
I din't finish my tuition's homework..
Holiday is my change of decadence...haizzz
After one week, i forgot all the add-math formula tat teacher taught last week..T.T
Finally, english period...
I ate the chocolate tat LenG LenG gave me when the test is carrying out..
Im doubt...i din't eat my lunch before came to tuition...
Then, 'BIG' teacher (teacher's nickname) gave back our paper...
Is a process report...^^
Teacher said there's been a noticeable improvement in my english essay...(yes!huhu~)
" Good Point!" teacher said again...
what can I say?? Im so happY now...
this make perfect sense!
I gotta done my Karangan now...