Today I went to the PGRM to pay deposit with LenG LenG and Kc. We're late...omg!
We make appointment with the sale executive at 11am, we reached there already 11.30am >.<
We dont know how to write the cheque. Forgive us. I think this is our first time to handle all of these.
After we finished discuss all the things, we decided to have our lunch at
Kim Gary.
We order a set meal, 2 dessest and share together.
I found this. I think this is drew by yee mean xD
See how busy we are....need to eat and discuss xD but we enjoy so much
Thanks for Kc ,he is draft-ing out the floor plan
Have you noticed that is very few of my recent photo? Because im using my hub's phone. Im not really like the camera of his hp, I prefer my hp's camera, hope that I can get my phone back asap.
and I also hope that we can organize the prom sucessfully =)