I PASS my undang test !!! Yeah !!! I noe i must pass d~ wakaka Im so perasan ya >< And Congratulation to Wai Hou, Wing Yee, LenG LenG, Pik YenG, Swee Fhong and Samantha They also PASS the undang test !!! ^^
After tat, i went to tuition... I looked so tired rite? bcus i din't sleep well this few day >< But I sure I can sleep very very very well tonight xD No need to do the undang question anymore~lalala
The exam is finished! yeepie~ ^^V but still want to attend tuition class busy for the whole day... Today Physic test for2 hourscontinue with BC test, 2 hours also == I also blur blur when looking at the BC paper...
I saw a boy very look like 阮经天 ! Even his smile, his eyebrows...wow Feel like 阮经天 is around me hehe xD
Holiday for one week, start planning where to go the whole week is fully bo0king except next Sunday xD If who want to call me out, just call me ya ^^ Miss BB so much >.<